Sunday, August 22, 2004



julie anna said...

Hey I'm the first commentor! My husband is heading your way and your blog helps give me a mental picture of what he will be going through. Just wanted to say thanks, and you are all in our prayers.

Neil said...

This reminds me of when I first went to Africa. The first thing I remember was the smell of wood burning fires, all over the country. I'll never forget that. If you happen to be in a place with a tape recorder and a mic (or an iPod or some kind of recording device) record the sound of that distant Arabic stuff. I'm a sound designer, and I for one, would love to hear it. It would give us an additional sensory input as to what's going on over there. Of course, don't get yer hiney shot doing it. Post if if you can, but if not, email it to me, and I'll post it for you Blogger can't post an audio file.

Good luck with the NEA project. I'm sure you'll get in.


gimma said...

PHEEWW! What a relief to see another post...even though it looks like there's been some "tweaking" of your blog.

Stay alert, stay sane and don't give up what you "know is right"...

alix said...

that's the problem with talent, CB. wonder how much of it we never see because its owner doesn't think they're good enough? i certainly look forward to your published am i going to recognize you? (is CBFTW gonna be your nom de plume?)

methinks you've got a great future, and may you then gaze at the city lights of your choice...

sending hugs and prayers for safekeeping...

Tammi said...

I can't begin to imagine the boredom of sitting in that tower. I can, however, imagine the chain smoking, light one off the other till your lungs hurt boredom. Put the two together and, well let's just say I'm sorry you gotta do that dude.

It's kinda funny, from what I've heard the American's seem to be almost as focused on the Iraqui soccer team as they are. It's a great story, but damn - watch out for those celebrations. My ex used to shot his shot gun a couple of times up in the air, you know for the kids birthdays, New Years etc. That is until he accidently shot one of the cows. But that's a story unto itself.

Good to see you post again. Good to know you're still hangin' in there.

Take care!!! And congrats on the writing opportunity. You deserve it. This could very well change your life. How cool is that!!!!

Em said...

Hey CB-
Reading this post makes me want to go out and have a smoke...A couple of smokes. Im suppose to be quitting sometime soon - but this post only reinforces my bad addiction. I believe that chain smoking has to do with the constant need of not just for a physical stimulant, but an emotional stimulas, as well. When you smoke, you are doing something...thinking, figuring out things, especially when you cant do anything.

Its funny but reading about the chain smoking and day dreaming is not too far from my experience of being a stay at home mom. Really, being a mother isnt exactly being vigilant in a tower all day, but it kinda is. The one very good thing about your experience (and like that of a Stay at Home Mom) is that you have much time for self reflection. And include day dreamimg, reading whatever you can when you can, and being almost at a non stop vigilence, and overall doing something that will affect the world and someone elses life right to the core. You are fortunate to have this time to focus on yourself.
You mentioned "blurring" at the observatory - (squinting, etc) - Just Rose and I just blogged about doing this with our little girls, trying to get a glimpse of what they might look like as adults...Changing your focus to capture or recapture something. Very interesting.

It's strange to think that these are two completely different lifestyles (soldier and stay at home mom), yet passing the time is done in the same way, and leads to introspection.

Great Post CB - Always good to hear from you!

ALSO -This was copied from ALA71's site, thought it also appropriate here:

"Vote For "My War" !
The Washington Post is having a "Best Blog 2004" Contest. Nominations have to be in by September 27th and voting begins that day. Winners will be announced October 25th.
Of course, I have nominated CB: for Most Original .... I may have even nominated some of you! Anyway, I thought it would be really awesome of CB won!
Here's the link:

Captain Holly said...

My brother was in Baghdad last summer when Oogie and Queasy got whacked. He said the display was pretty spectacular.

CB, you probably already know this, but keep your kevlar on when they do stuff like that. What goes up, must come down. I heard that dozens of people were killed by falling bullets during the celebrations after Saddam's capture last year.

pacos_gal said...

Hey CB, glad to hear that you are safe, surviving this war, one cigerette at a time.

That is totally cool about your contributing to the Operation Homecoming project. I certainly think you are more than just good enough.

I love looking at cities at night. All you see is the lights and energy of the place, without all the details of being at ground level. LA is definitely a great one to look at. When I was a kid it was Albequrque that was neat, because you'd come through the mountains on the highway, turn a curve and there it would be all laid out in a valley below you.

Stay safe

TmjUtah said...

Glad to see you back on the 'net, CB. Glad you are safe, and kind of amused to see that the more things change the more things stay the same.

Back in the good old days I worked out of a GP tent (battalion FDC/Okinawa) that was so nicotine stained it bled brown inside whenever it rained.

"War is endless boredom, punctuated by infrequent moments of terror". I can't remember the popular historical citation for that but I'm pretty sure that the same advice has been passed down from veteran to recruit since soldiers started standing in ranks.

BTW, we were living in LA (Santa Fe Springs, to be exact) during New Years, 1990. Imperial Boulevard under the 405 (?) overpass was stuffed with fire trucks, ambulances, sheriff/cop/UHP cruisers about ten minutes to midnight. I was tooling over to a CStore for ice when I noticed them. The rent-a-cop in the parking lot (it was THAT kind of neighborhood) warned me to be inside quick; midnight would be noisy and dangerous. He was right. Just like a mad minute without the grenade explosions. Didn't see any tracers. Mrs. Tmj pulled me inside after the rate of fire moved past the scary mark.

I found a spent .30 cal bullet in my driveway the next morning - probably ChiCom AK food since it had a steel core.

Be safe. And I hope you participate in the NEA project.

firstbrokenangel said...

Hey, CBFTW, you have done it again!! You have pulled us up into that watch tower with you, fearing the boredom. I can feel my lungs being sore from all that chain smoking, too! :-) Like I said, you have a knack for this - which came as quite a surprise to you. Make sure your stuff gets copywrited before you release any work.

so glad you're back, son!!!

Anonymous said...

On a Lighter Note:
I got hypnotized to quit smoking once...I paid $250 for someone to 'tell my subconscious' to taste lima beans each time I took a drag. I actually did quit for 9 months --not because I tasted lima beans but because I didn't want to admit to all the nay-sayers that I had been robbed!
It's wonderful to have you back!

Jesse said...

CB: good to see your back. I did OP/tower duty back in the early 80's for about 6 months in Cyprus. It can be mind numbing, but entertaining and pretty funny if you have a partner (practical jokes can get bazaar). Anyways it was a long time ago. Play safe. js

Frank S. said...

CB - Glad your back! Funny how perspectives change. Hearing that gunfire while in the guard tower thinking all hells going to break loose and when are the mortars going to hit?! Then to find out they're celebrating their soccer team is like whoa! Maybe there's hope!

Take advantage of the offer from the NEA. This is a tremendous blog and your writing is great. Stay Safe!!

Frank S. said...

CB - Glad your back! Funny how perspectives change. Hearing that gunfire while in the guard tower thinking all hells going to break loose and when are the mortars going to hit?! Then to find out they're celebrating their soccer team is like whoa! Maybe there's hope!

Take advantage of the offer from the NEA. This is a tremendous blog and your writing is great. Stay Safe!!

Jude Nagurney Camwell said...


Fantastic writing.

You're a new star on my radar.

I'll be talking about you.

Many of us will be talking about you.

Be safe. I'll look forward to hearing more.

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars...” - Jack Kerouac

Em said...

Ala71 -Shit that was my next move -the hypnotist, along with some MAJOR counseling. How come they dont offer rehab programs for smokers? nicotine is said to be more addicitve than Heroin, yet - no rehab. I know they have classes, but thats like going to classes to quit Heroin. At least that is what is seems to me.

Im not paying $250. Thanks for the insight :)

Some Soldier's Mom said...

so, CB, ya think the tour in the guard tower is so you can't write about all that "exciting" (and I use that term loosely) stuff when you're "out somewhere, doing something"? mind numbing boredom, yes... protecting your brothers, too. try mind games when you're out there... think of every word you can that starts with "A", then go to the "B" words... or try to think of every teacher you ever had... or recall your earliest memories...

The NEA project is really worthwhile. Hope you Do it.

Cannoneer No. 4 said...

Don't worry over much about your future. You're a regular Mickey Spillane. Them coffin nails are going to kill you. take up chewing instead. that way when you get slepy you can rub the juice in your eyes.
Heard from household6, aka Tomahawk Six Whiskey. She reads your stuff.Real glad to see you posting again.

Fermina Daza said...

staying tuned...glad to see you back though. you're in my prayers.

Amina said...

" I remember awhile ago I was up in a guard tower when it was some Islamic holiday here, like Mohammed's birthday or some shit like that..."

Love reading your blog, but please... have some respect. I know it must be hard being stuck there and all.. but come on... No need to get ignorant.

Lineanimal_11B said...

Someday you'll miss that guard tower......

Back in '91, when my unit was exfilling from ODS, I had to pull guard duty from the rooftops of Khobar Towers. One of my most lucid memories of that whole experience was watching the sunset and hearing the evening call to prayer. Everyone would pull their cars over and get out and face east while I watched them suspiciously through my Binoculars....Seems like it was another lifetime altogether.

Nowadays, every time the phone rings I am hoping its my squad leader calling to tell me I'm getting deployed. I don't even care where they send me. The boredom of being a civilian after having been a combat soldier is much much worse than any boredom I've endured in a guard tower.

"Once you've heard the shout of combat, day to day life is but a whisper."

Be prepared for it. And damn, son, stay away from the drugs.

Cannoneer No. 4 said...

Your cover is blown all to hell, CB.

Amina said...


Thanks for proving you know nothing of my intentions or myself. I am a sincere "well-wisher" and like to read this blog.

I could be wrong, in the sense that mybe CB knew what the holiday was at the time, but I'm just pointing out a bigger problem I've seen. How is our country supposed to deal with another country if the people risking their lives for us and our freedoms don't know about the ways in which the country functions (religiously, culturally, etc.)

Phoenix_Blogger said...

Hi CB. So glad your still posting. The last Iraqi soccer match is Friday for the bronze medal.First time in history they have ever gone this far...just in case you are on guard duty again. If they win...well...nuff said. Stay safe man and thanks for posting.

Cannoneer No. 4 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
firstbrokenangel said...

I'm just going to mention something I read and heard about the Iraqi soccer team members saying that when they get back to Iraq, they are going to take up arms against the Americans because they want them out of their country and how much they hate Bush. If it were not for Americans and the coalition forces and President Bush, the Iraqi soccer team would not exist today. They should be grateful, not hateful.

Love ya CB

Another beheading today too. More kidnappings.



Anonymous said...

Your writing never ceases to amaze me.

The force is strong in this one.


Alvaro Frota said...


Qual era mesmo seu nome e sobrenome? Ih! Já esqueci... Achei certo. A última coisa que você merece é ser laranja de uma estação de rádio que não tem compromisso com você. Aquela estória de não forçar a barra pra cima dos milicos, porque a corda estoura sempre do lado mais fraco. Quem tem cu tem medo e, como já cantou Chico Buarque:

"Apesar de você
Amanhã há de ser
Outro dia"

No mais,

Aquele abraço!

Álvaro Frota

Cannoneer No. 4 said...

It's not your computer, nygal. The NPR entry has been deleted.

Cannoneer No. 4 said...

NPR has edited CB's name out of their story. Locking the barn door now that the horses are gone. The revised version is at Soldiers' Iraq Blogs Face Military Scrutiny

gimma said...

Yup, and why did NPR find it necessary to reveal his real name from the start? hmmmm...

The Oracle said...

As a retired print journalist, I found the NPR piece troubling. They obviously didn't give a rat's ass whether they stirred up trouble for you and other milbloggers. Typical irresponsible broadcast pseudo-journalism.

CB, as much as I enjoy reading your posts and even though in previous comments I've encouraged you to keep blogging, I'd much rather wait for the book than see your life get needlessly complicated.

Most of your readers realize Job 1 is to keep yourself and your buddies alive. No need to become a First Amendment lightning rod.

The Oracle said...

As a retired print journalist, I found the NPR piece troubling. They obviously didn't give a rat's ass whether they stirred up trouble for you and other milbloggers. Typical irresponsible broadcast pseudo-journalism.

CB, as much as I enjoy reading your posts and even though in previous comments I've encouraged you to keep blogging, I'd much rather wait for the book than see your life get needlessly complicated.

Most of your readers realize Job 1 is to keep yourself and your buddies alive. No need to become a First Amendment lightning rod.

The Oracle said...

As a retired print journalist, I found the NPR piece troubling. They obviously didn't give a rat's ass whether they stirred up trouble for you and other milbloggers. Typical irresponsible broadcast pseudo-journalism.

CB, as much as I enjoy reading your posts and even though in previous comments I've encouraged you to keep blogging, I'd much rather wait for the book than see your life get needlessly complicated.

Most of your readers realize Job 1 is to keep yourself and your buddies alive. No need to become a First Amendment lightning rod.

The Oracle said...

As a retired print journalist, I found the NPR piece troubling. They obviously didn't give a rat's ass whether they stirred up trouble for you and other milbloggers. Typical irresponsible broadcast pseudo-journalism.

CB, as much as I enjoy reading your posts and even though in previous comments I've encouraged you to keep blogging, I'd much rather wait for the book than see your life get needlessly complicated.

Most of your readers realize Job 1 is to keep yourself and your buddies alive. No need to become a First Amendment lightning rod.

J.D. said...

NPR can't be expected to know whether they should keep his name secret or not. CB can be expected to ask them to keep his name out of their article. IF he did AND they didn't THEN blame NPR. If he didn't ask, though, then it is a lesson learned. NPR and all media are in the habit of giving the names of people they interview unless they are asked not to, and CB could have done so.

As for their take that the military is "censoring" soldier blogs - damn right, they better be. I've read stuff on CB's blog (now changed) that gave me pause. Not all things that are OPSEC violations are "secrets." Unit morale, names, how a unit deploys into formation - not secret but not what you want to give to the enemy freely.

For instance, let's say CB goes on a raid and tells a gripping story of how his unit almost fell prey to an ambush but was able to get it out of it using some technique. The enemy might be thinking "Damn, we weren't even close to succeeding." Then they read the blog, learn how close they came to killing Americans, and learn exactly how the Americans got out of trouble. They then try again, but with a greater chance of success and higher morale. Of course the military should monitor blogs and if necessary, shut them down.

For those who think that the military is using OPSEC as an excuse to stop something they don't like, think to yourself if CB's blog makes you respect the Army and CB's chain of command more or less than before? For most of you it is a surprise to learn how damn good our military is, and how wrong most of your impressions of military leadership are. Thus the Army wouldn't shut down a blog with such positive PR value because they "didn't like it." They might shut it down for legitimate OPSEC reasons - to save American lives. I wouldn't fault them for that even if CB doesn't understand or agree with the decision sometimes. That is what officers get paid to do - to make the right call even when it isn't popular.

CB - stay safe. And "freerepublic" is pretty extreme and one-sided, I hope you are using your time to learn about other points of view as well. When you get out you WILL be a writer and don't worry about those who say college will stifle your creativity. They just went to a crappy college. You should try for a UC - either UCLA or Cal, something like that. Sure your HS GPA sucks but you can take prep courses for the SAT and the essay portion of the SAT II will obviously be no problem for you given your enormous skill. Attach some pages of this blog, the NPR story, and your DD214 and your low HS GPA will be more than balanced out if you do well on the SAT.

I have a law school friend and former army officer who has written for the WSJ, CNN, etc. Let me know if you want me to link you up with him. He can give you good advice as well.

Cannoneer No. 4 said...

this we'll defend:
And "freerepublic" is pretty extreme and one-sided, I hope you are using your time to learn about other points of view as well.With all due respect, sir, I am curious to know whether you have actually spent any time looking at Free Republic and have concluded that it is extreme and one-sided based on your own personal observations. You are of course, entitled to your opinion, with which I must respectfully disagree. Free Republic has served as an echo chamber for CB and a clearinghouse for Stryker information. A great many of the commenters on those threads have significant military experience and have made constructive remarks. It is with out doubt a conservative site, ideologically. Conservatives traditionally are not the people spitting at returning soldiers in airports.
As for being one-sided, there is a war going on, sir. How many sides would you have us be on?
"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."

StarCMC said...

From this we defend... "And "freerepublic" is pretty extreme and one-sided, I hope you are using your time to learn about other points of view as well. "

Sorry - I GOTTA jump in here. Why should he investigate other viewpoints? He doesn't have to investigate - they're all over the place!! Besides, as the US Mint knows all too well, to know the real thing (i.e. the truth) inside out you need only study the truth, you don't need to study the counterfeits. You'll recognize them immediately if you know the real thing.

FR is not as extreme as you seem to think. There's a lot of room for disagreement among the conservatives - just mention something like the draft and you'll see it.

Netmilsmom said...

"And "freerepublic" is pretty extreme and one-sided, I hope you are using your time to learn about other points of view as well"

The only people who think that Free Republic is extreme or one sided, never spent time there. A whole new world away from the left loving media is enough to open one's eyes. I am a former Lib, former feminist and now see the light.
Lurkers are welcome. Come and learn.

Cannoneer No. 4 said...

Chapomatic Rants For CB

madtom said...

Hey am I crazy or did the last post disappear?
In case I am not crazy,, What happens to all the comments to a post when you take one down?


Cannoneer No. 4 said...

Just An Army Wife on Military Bloggers

Cannoneer No. 4 said...

Neptunus Lex on Blogging OPSEC

Cannoneer No. 4 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
J.D. said...

Kilroy said: Take it easy Cannoneer, TWD didn't say ignore freerepublic, just to look at other points of view also. This 'Whose side are you on', Us-against-Them bullshit is for politicians and propaganda, anyone saying there is only one way to look at it is definitely 'them'.

Thank you Kilroy. If all CB were reading was Michael Moore's site I would have told him the same thing - there are other points of view.

To the Freepers (showing yes I do read it): you are extreme, but that doesn't mean you aren't valid. At one point the Founding Fathers were extreme. At another point the lefty FDR was extreme. Extreme points of view are often later mainstream points of view - I just don't think listening only to one side and "bashing" the other is healthy or informative. I've seen what happens to the "lib" that occasionally pops up and makes a valid point at freerepublic, and as a result most of the lefties you see, who are brave or stupid enough to keep posting, are extremists themselves, serving to reinforce your "the left are all fools" point of view.

In case you don't agree, here is what one freeper said to show that it is not an extreme right-wing site:

"Conservatives traditionally are not the people spitting at returning soldiers in airports.
As for being one-sided, there is a war going on, sir. How many sides would you have us be on?
"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.""

Well, as a former soldier incredibly proud of his service, and certainly not buying into the false stereotype that the left hates soldiers, I would have you be on the side of what is correct in every issue - and sometimes that is left and sometimes that is right. NO one party or point of view has all the answers or even all the right questions.

Of course, Kilroy said it better and shorter, but hey I'm working on becoming a lawyer here!

Alvaro Frota said...

To all:

Read this:

""President Bush keeps saying that he has brought salvation and progress to Iraq. He keeps playing the same broken records that make the listeners tired and bored. He does not hesitate to use the “misery” that he brought upon Iraq and its people, for his personal gain in his campaign for "selection" in 2004.

When selected President Bush took advantage of the performance of the Iraqi football "soccer" team in the Olympics in Greece for his personal gains, the Iraqi team was very quick to react against this arrogance.

Salih Sadir, a member of the team said he was angry at Mr. Bush's campaign ads showing pictures of the Afghan and Iraqi flags with the words: "At this Olympics there will be two more free nations - and two fewer terrorist regimes".

The campaign ad was indeed an insult to Iraq and to Afghanistan. The fact is that the people of Iraq are not free any more. Their Leadership is in concentration camps, the Iraqi legitimate leaders are prisoners of war and Iraq is occupied. No peace, no security, no water, no electricity, no jobs no institutions and no oil.

One accused the US leader of committing "many crimes", and another said he would be fighting US troops if not for Athens. Their comments were made in a US Sports Illustrated magazine interview.

"Iraq as a team does not want Mr. Bush to use us for the presidential campaign," said the Iraqi player. "He can find another way to advertise himself." He called for US troops to be withdrawn from Iraq. "We don't wish for the presence of the Americans in our country. We want them to go away." Another star player, 22-year-old Ahmed Manajid, asked: "How will Mr. Bush meet his god having slaughtered so many men and women? He has committed so many crimes."

Mr. Manajid, from Fallujah, said if he was not playing football "for sure" he would be fighting as part of the resistance. "I want to defend my home. If a stranger invades America and the people resist, does that mean they are terrorists?" he asked. "Everyone in Fallujah has been labeled a terrorist. These are all lies. Fallujah people are some of the best people in Iraq.

But coach Adnan Hamad said he was concerned with what the Bush administration was doing in Iraq. "My problems are not with the American people. They are with what America has done in Iraq: destroy everything," he said. "The American army has killed so many people in Iraq. What is freedom when I go to the stadium and there are shootings on the road?"

The Arrogance of Bush and his mighty power are causing death; destruction and misery to Iraq and the Iraqis know it. The deprived American soldiers are being sent to Iraq to kill and be killed in the name of “Freedom”, and the majority of the Americans do not know it. Arrogance and blind power will not triumph. The people will.""

There are more in


Em said...

Hey Brian H - Be kind.
This site is so heavily trafficked that blogger is not working as it should. which is why so many people have had trouble posting several of the same comments as well as trying to delete them. Depends on the time of day and night and who's on.

lastchance said...

damn interesting to see blogs from people 'on the field'. The creepy arabic sound that you hear probably five times a day, well since you hear it so much it may make it easier for you if you understand what it means, that way it may not be so creepy. Its essentially along the lines/goes with the statement you quote by blood for blood. I give a simple translation below. Below you should hear the first thingy said 4 times (repeats) and the rest twice. There might be other stuff said after/before this but this is the common bit->its not verses from the koran but just pretty usual stuff that you might want to know the meaning of:

(1) god is the great (3 further repeats)-the bit that says 'allahu akbar' but like a wailing tongue twisting kinda way.

(2)i testify there is no god but god (ashadualla ilaha illalah) -> sounds weird but its sayin like 'you the main dude' -> i.e. even if we say 'micheal jordan' was a 'god' we jus mean for bball, so this meaning is like 'u god and u is totally god and not mj although he is it when it comes to bball'

(3) i testify that muhammad is gods messenger ->the bit that says 'ashadu anna mohammader rasool illah', i.e. just like jesus etc etc.

(4) come to prayer (coz thats the point of the creepy sound is to call all to prayer)
(5) come get the success of this life and the next
god is great (this is like sayin, 'yo come and pray and u will get returned for it) -> you mite notice that (4) and (5) rhyme -> this is coz if you do (4) you get (5) -> the rhyming was made intentional in this way, its like 'you do the crime' ' you do the time' (they both rhyme and rightly so as their meanings are related in that way)..etc

(6)there is no god but god (same as b4)
(7)i testify that muhammad is gods messenger

The reason i put all the above is coz you can see that all that is said is pretty normal stuff, perhaps you will hear almost all of that (apart from the muhammad stuff) in a church or any other religious place. So internalise it and let these things not be creepy but let it make you feel more 'at home' -> more 'protected' as i hope they will make you remember god, coz he is the only thing you got, i got, we all got...only way we can be 'safe'/'free' etc.

I hope you get back home safe and away from such useless wars that the rich/corrupt people comitt you to, it aint for no freedom, just so some rich kids can get richer and the normal folks do the dirty work for them.

lastchance said...

damn interesting to see blogs from people 'on the field'. The creepy arabic sound that you hear probably five times a day, well since you hear it so much it may make it easier for you if you understand what it means, that way it may not be so creepy. Its essentially along the lines/goes with the statement you quote by blood for blood. I give a simple translation below. Below you should hear the first thingy said 4 times (repeats) and the rest twice. There might be other stuff said after/before this but this is the common bit->its not verses from the koran but just pretty usual stuff that you might want to know the meaning of:

(1) god is the great (3 further repeats)-the bit that says 'allahu akbar' but like a wailing tongue twisting kinda way.

(2)i testify there is no god but god (ashadualla ilaha illalah) -> sounds weird but its sayin like 'you the main dude' -> i.e. even if we say 'micheal jordan' was a 'god' we jus mean for bball, so this meaning is like 'u god and u is totally god and not mj although he is it when it comes to bball'

(3) i testify that muhammad is gods messenger ->the bit that says 'ashadu anna mohammader rasool illah', i.e. just like jesus etc etc.

(4) come to prayer (coz thats the point of the creepy sound is to call all to prayer)
(5) come get the success of this life and the next
god is great (this is like sayin, 'yo come and pray and u will get returned for it) -> you mite notice that (4) and (5) rhyme -> this is coz if you do (4) you get (5) -> the rhyming was made intentional in this way, its like 'you do the crime' ' you do the time' (they both rhyme and rightly so as their meanings are related in that way)..etc

(6)there is no god but god (same as b4)
(7)i testify that muhammad is gods messenger

The reason i put all the above is coz you can see that all that is said is pretty normal stuff, perhaps you will hear almost all of that (apart from the muhammad stuff) in a church or any other religious place. So internalise it and let these things not be creepy but let it make you feel more 'at home' -> more 'protected' as i hope they will make you remember god, coz he is the only thing you got, i got, we all got...only way we can be 'safe'/'free' etc.

I hope you get back home safe and away from such useless wars that the rich/corrupt people comitt you to, it aint for no freedom, just so some rich kids can get richer and the normal folks do the dirty work for them.

take care and may god take care of u

Steve-O said...

Your account of standing watch in the guard tower at night, fighting the boredom, chain-smoking until it hurts, and trying to imagine being home, gave me an eerie flashback of sorts to when I was did my time guarding a fenceline in the desert southwest 20 years ago.
At the time I really thought I was in a world of shit, stuck 1000 miles from home, guarding something which I tried to tell myself was something of monumental importance. But deep down, I considered the possibility that I was just a number, and nothing would ever really happen in the area I was guarding. The good thing was, I never had the "benefit" of something really happening to break the monotony.
I try to imagine being where you are now, and it's unsettling to think how very lucky I was, at a time that I thought my luck sucked. God Bless you all, keep up the good work you're doing, and someday soon, you'll rotate "back to the world", and you'll have the LUXURY of sitting where I am, content to just read of your exploits, and THANK GOD you're there, doing the dirty work for us.
Semper Fi

Steve-O said...

Your account of standing watch in the guard tower at night, fighting the boredom, chain-smoking until it hurts, and trying to imagine being home, gave me an eerie flashback of sorts to when I was did my time guarding a fenceline in the desert southwest 20 years ago.
At the time I really thought I was in a world of shit, stuck 1000 miles from home, guarding something which I tried to tell myself was something of monumental importance. But deep down, I considered the possibility that I was just a number, and nothing would ever really happen in the area I was guarding. The good thing was, I never had the "benefit" of something really happening to break the monotony.
I try to imagine being where you are now, and it's unsettling to think how very lucky I was, at a time that I thought my luck sucked. God Bless you all, keep up the good work you're doing, and someday soon, you'll rotate "back to the world", and you'll have the LUXURY of sitting where I am, content to just read of your exploits, and THANK GOD you're there, doing the dirty work for us.
Semper Fi

Steve-O said...

Your account of standing watch in the guard tower at night, fighting the boredom, chain-smoking until it hurts, and trying to imagine being home, gave me an eerie flashback of sorts to when I was did my time guarding a fenceline in the desert southwest 20 years ago.
At the time I really thought I was in a world of shit, stuck 1000 miles from home, guarding something which I tried to tell myself was something of monumental importance. But deep down, I considered the possibility that I was just a number, and nothing would ever really happen in the area I was guarding. The good thing was, I never had the "benefit" of something really happening to break the monotony.
I try to imagine being where you are now, and it's unsettling to think how very lucky I was, at a time that I thought my luck sucked. God Bless you all, keep up the good work you're doing, and someday soon, you'll rotate "back to the world", and you'll have the LUXURY of sitting where I am, content to just read of your exploits, and THANK GOD you're there, doing the dirty work for us.
Semper Fi

Steve-O said...

Your account of standing watch in the guard tower at night, fighting the boredom, chain-smoking until it hurts, and trying to imagine being home, gave me an eerie flashback of sorts to when I was did my time guarding a fenceline in the desert southwest 20 years ago.
At the time I really thought I was in a world of shit, stuck 1000 miles from home, guarding something which I tried to tell myself was something of monumental importance. But deep down, I considered the possibility that I was just a number, and nothing would ever really happen in the area I was guarding. The good thing was, I never had the "benefit" of something really happening to break the monotony.
I try to imagine being where you are now, and it's unsettling to think how very lucky I was, at a time that I thought my luck sucked. God Bless you all, keep up the good work you're doing, and someday soon, you'll rotate "back to the world", and you'll have the LUXURY of sitting where I am, content to just read of your exploits, and THANK GOD you're there, doing the dirty work for us.
Semper Fi
